Why is America Flooded with Aliens?

Something that is hard to ignore are all the aliens crossing America’s southern border. For a while I was thinking of the reasons why the Biden administration not only allowed them to cross, but what other reasons could there be for allowing them int? It is self evident at this point that the United States’ government is evil. To just say they are only incompetent is missing the point.

Here’s a list of rationales I developed as to why the US government vis-à-vis the Biden administration wants illegals here:

  1. To use as a voting block
  2. To replace white Americans
  3. To use as an attack force against Americans
  4. As an economic money pit

To Use as a Voting Block

I recall in 2020 when votes were counted. Both vote tallies had smooth rising curves, albeit Trump’s vote curve was larger, but had the same shape. But then through some means Biden’s vote tallies suddenly spiked northward. Keep in mind, statistical and data analysis are part of professional skill set. Right from the start of the Biden administration it begins on unstable ground much like W’s administration began in 2000. And then throw in all of the failed unconstitutional policies Biden pushed through, what’s to say they won’t use the aliens as a voting block. They can easily hand out pre-filled ballots and have Gorge and Diaz just sign it.

To Replace White Americans

Since the 1960s with advent of affirmative action, race quotas, and the latest iteration of diversity, inclusion, and equity programs are meant to disenfranchise the straight white male. The demographic that innovates, maintains, and develops all the technology and infrastructure. Ask yourself this who perfected flight? Who went to the moon? Who invented the Internet? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the computer? The answer is: straight white males.

Many of the people running the Biden administration viscerally hate white males. This is seen in their rhetoric and actions. Look at recent military propaganda. A year ago, the US Army published two commercials. The one was an animation of a solider who’s family consisted of two dykes. The other was of a strong independent brown Hispanic mother. Then just a month ago, they published a commercial that only featured white men. And this occurs right at the time when recruitment is down.

To Use as an Attack Force Against Americans

The other benefit to the US Government is quite possibly use aliens as a military force against Americans. I wholeheartedly believe the evil retards in the Biden administration believe they can mobilize these low IQ aliens into a fighting force. Whether it be for foreign wars or here in America against citizens. Or to use as roaming gangs of violent criminals. For the latter we are already seeing this in places like Chicago, New York City, and California. Places that were overrun with savages only to have their savage population increased by aliens.

As an Economic Money Pit

Due to the number of aliens already in America, the tax payers are financially paying for their housing, spending money, food, health care, educating their bastards, etc. This will become an economic sink for Americans. We can’t afford to pay for this. And with increasing numbers coming every day, math shows we can’t support this. A consequence of this should appear in 2025 when the faucet is turned off. We will have literally millions of angry aliens who have no job skills, are low IQ, violent, have a different culture than founding stock Americans. America can’t even provide jobs to those in the professional class. So how is America going to provide jobs to low IQ retards? Low wage jobs are being replaced with automation. So are companies to replace automation with low wage low IQ workers? No.

In the end, there’s nothing good to emerge from the Biden administration’s tactics. There’s only two real effective options to fix this that being engage in mass deportation and vigilantism.

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Until next time I’m The Damage Dealing Meat Shield

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